Want to buy a leather bag – TUSCANY BAGS
Let’s be honest, real conversation! Every leather bag enthusiast needs a bag. We are people of bags! When I became interested in leather bags, I did not know anyone else who shared the
My passion for high-quality luxury leather bags. I felt lonely in my new hobby, and frankly a little silly. Everyone around me was panting for the price of my dream bag, and after panting always came an accusing look that said, “Are you planning to spend what on a bag ?!” , Bag prices prevent any appreciation for the aesthetic value of luxury bags. I try to explain this to people by comparing other art products, but inevitably the attention changes the price. I was accused of carrying luxury leather bags as a status symbol to impress the people around me. These perceptions are common among people who do not understand why I would throw away two thousand shekels for a bag and I get it – it’s something I struggle with myself sometimes too much. But loving leather bags is similar to collecting any other type of art, and I found that when I tell people around me that I just bought a new art, the reaction is very different than if I tell them I bought a new bag. That, and someone to send you a link to a quality leather bag. The depth of knowledge needed to understand the history and art of high quality leather handbags is incredible, but it is rarely learned. This means that having knowledge of leather bags requires a certain kind of independent personality, initiative. If you are serious about bags, you probably know how to do the research and learn for yourself.
Highly recommend the leather bags of Tuscan handbags-importers of the Italian brand well known throughout Italy