Luxury leather bags – TUSCANY BAGS
Leather products have been around for hundreds of years. This industry is one of the oldest in human history. Leather was used to make clothes, shoes, gloves, armor was also used to make buckets, bottles and even weapons. The Industrial Revolution brought all sorts of new technological innovations that made the leather making process very efficient, environmentally friendly and hygienic.
Various labels on leather products, such as “TOP GRAIN” or “FULL GRAIN”. Cooling different types of leather based on quality. If you want the best quality for the money, you need to know where to buy leather, and you also need to know how to distinguish between the different types of leather. One needs to understand why skins are worth more than others and why a particular leather bag costs thousands of shekels, while others cost a pinch of the price. So, what is the best skin? The best quality skin will depend on important factors, most notably: the type of animal, breed, physical location and the climate in which the animal grew up.
The dyeing process is carried out from different breeds of cows that will produce different quality because of their genetics and environment. In hot climates there are insects that sting the animal and leave scars while in cold climates there are less pests .. Some strains may be more hairy or have thicker skin due to the weather. Different parts of the skin also yield different quality skin. The lower part, for example, tends to have loose fibers. The loose fibers absorb liquids and tend to swell when wet. Low parts are much more likely to be damaged by insects and barbed wire fences. There are additional defects around the legs, neck and head area. These scars are permanent and almost impossible to remove in the processing of the skin.
How to clean and care for your skin bag
Pamper your bag from day one. When we buy something new, we always want to keep it in perfect condition
It is recommended to use a sunscreen that adds a protective barrier to the skin, repels blemishes and protects the area of the skin bag.
- Clean the bag regularly, like anything, regular cleaning will prevent stains that will later be difficult to remove.
Use only skin products. Never use wipes, vinegar or household soaps, many of these products contain chemicals and substances that can cause the bag to dry or damage the color of the bag. - Keep the bag in a dust bag. This will prevent the accumulation of dust when the bag is not in use and will also prevent unnecessary rubbing. If you do not have a dust bag, use a pillowcase.
5 Keep the bag full when not in use, fill the bag even with old clothes to keep in shape. - Avoid holding the handles too much, sounds a bit strange but the natural oils from human skin can damage the skin and cause it to lose color Try to hold the bag on the arm.
- Avoid wearing a light colored leather bag with new jeans !! This color transfer is one of the hardest stains to remove, something we face all the time.
Leaking pens, water bottles and the like can ruin the bag. Take your time and check !!!
** Some basic tips on how to care for and clean your skin bag. These tips can also be applied to most leather products such as leather shoes, leather sofas, and leather jackets.
Skin is easily affected by its environment. Severe weather conditions such as snow and rain, but also heat and dryness, can be harmful to leather products, if not properly protected. Damage can affect the aesthetics of the skin, its color, and also the structure causes the skin to harden and even lose its elasticity. The most common damage to leather products is particularly due to water, oily substances and prolonged exposure to the sun.
Start with prevention!
Taking steps to prevent damage in advance is a proven way to save time, money and the headache of cleaning and repairing once they have occurred. To protect your skin bag from water, you need to use a special skin sealant. A thin layer of beeswax will be good for most leather bags with a smooth finish, except suede. This is especially important during rainy periods.
The most common way to use beeswax or any other wax-based material is with a soft shoe brush.
Before you begin, check in a hidden area of the eye how the effect on skin color, especially if it is toned skin. After handling the leather bag, let the bag dry for a while before using it again. Now let’s say your leather bag is soaked in rain. Under no circumstances should you try to dry it using a direct heat source such as a hair dryer or leave it right next to the radiator. This can cause significant damage to the skin including cracks. The best way to dry a wet leather bag is to leave it near an indirect heat source, say in a room with heating on, but far enough away from the bag.
Skin oil: A leather bag needs protection not only from water and fat but also from the sun. Skin is a natural substance and therefore prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can damage the skin, drying the skin and discoloration
- Maintaining the look of the bag:
To maintain the look of the bag, elasticity, and softness. Use skin protection oil or beeswax. These products usually come with a brush or in the form of a spray so that everyone can choose according to his bag, personal preferences, and experience. Always use a special conditioner for the skin. Using products that are not specifically made for skin care, such as hand cream and the like, can actually leave stains and not provide the desired results.
The sooner you treat a stain, the better the chances of getting rid of it
If you use water to clean the bag, use as little water as possible and dry it immediately.
Be sure to use professional products to reduce the risk of unwanted damage. Maintaining these basics will ensure that you enjoy your leather bag for many years to come.