Every woman who loves handbags knows that there are never too many handbags, and one should choose the right place to store such important accessories. How to store bags so that they do not lose their attractive appearance over time and do not take up too much space in the article you will find some useful tips and original ideas that you can use when designing your home wardrobe.

How to store general portfolios and general requirements
A bag for women is an accessory that requires special attention. Every fashionista’s home stores a complete collection of bags for every day, for going out, shopping, working and more. In order for any product to maintain a proper appearance over time, one needs to know how to store bags properly and where to place them. There are a number of general storage rules:

Only empty bags can be stored. Before placing the product on the shelf, release it from accumulated objects and debris, and also clean the lining if it has leaky matte stains or other spilled liquid. If you follow this rule, each bag will be ready for use at all times.
Do not fold or roll long bag straps. Over time, wrinkles form on the skin that are very difficult to straighten.
It is advisable to leave some free space between the bags. Models should not come in contact with each other so that buckles, fasteners and other accessories do not scratch soft skin.
Do not put genuine leather bags in plastic bags, as they need free access to the air. To protect against dust, you can use textile covers and cloth bags. Genuine leather does not like heat and direct sunlight.
It is best to store bags away from other heaters, in addition to avoiding damp places. Otherwise, the skin will quickly begin to fade, and the product will lose its appearance.
If the bag does not have a solid frame, fill it inside with paper or put a rolled scarf over a roll. In this case, the product will not lose its shape, no wrinkles will form on the skin.
Knowing how to store bags in the locker room, you can avoid unnecessary costs. Each product will look like new, and you will not have to constantly buy new accessories.

Choosing a place to store bags
In a small apartment, it is not always possible to allocate a separate dressing room, and find spacious shelves for bags. We need to look for ways to organize in a more compact way storage space, however, in this case, you can find quite convenient options. Let’s take a closer look at where to store bags at home, you can list the most common options:

On the top shelf of the closet. Because women rarely change everyday bags, you can put items that are not currently in demand on the top shelf and leave some space between them. Clutches can be deployed near the type of books, they will take up a minimum of space. It is important to remember that bags cannot be stacked on top of each other, this leads to damage to the products.
In a drawer under the bed. A drawer is a versatile place to store shoes and all the possible accessories, and many use it for bags. In a spacious drawer you can arrange all the products so that they lie separately from each other.
In a dresser drawer. If space allows, all drawers or small flat bags that will not be damaged by storage in such conditions can be stored in a drawer.
On a hanger in the closet. This is the best option for bags with straps, but it is important to make sure that the metal accessories do not come in contact with the skin.
On a closet door or dressing room. This is a convenient option for small apartments: hooks on the door will save space on the shelves and will comfortably hold all the bags. This option also allows you to quickly select the appropriate bag for a particular outfit.
On the bottom shelf in the closet. This is another economical option if you need to properly organize a small space. Bags are stored on the bottom shelf under clothes placed on hangers.
All of these options are convenient for both small and spacious apartments. Skillful organization of the closet space or closet allows you to use efficiently every inch, and everything will be in place.
Non-standard portfolio placement options
If you are looking for creative ideas on how to store bags at home, you should take a closer look at how popular bloggers and established socialites do it. If you have a problem with how to organize an accessories collection for any event at home, you can enlist the help of professionals in the world of fashion and style. Some creative solutions from popular stars:

Storage of bags in the closet: options and accessories
To decide how to store bags in the closet, gather all the available items and estimate the size of the interior space. When buying bags, do not throw away special bags and boxes: they are very suitable for storage, as they protect the color from sunlight and dust. The most reliable option is to arrange the boxes on the top and bottom shelves of the closet so that each product will be guaranteed optimal comfort conditions.

If there is not enough space for such storage, you can use the following trick. Attach hooks to the sides of the cabinet at different levels, this will allow you to compactly arrange all the bags with short handles in a small space. Okay. If there are lights inside the closet: Lighting will make it easier to find what you need. And get on the road quickly.

For seasonal models that will be maintained over time, clear the mezzanine floor or the top shelves. There will be no need to climb there all the time, so things will wait peacefully in the wings and will not suffer from sunlight. It is best to put bags in boxes or cases. So that dust does not accumulate on them.

Clutch bags cannot be placed in large bags, each item must be selected for a separate storage location. This important rule will help preserve the original shape of the products and provide them with favorable conditions.

How to handle cases. Key rules
Once you understand the best way to store bags, you need to take care of the proper handling of the material. Genuine leather can be simply wiped with a damp cloth, the seams should be treated very carefully. The skin should not dry out on its own: be sure to remove water droplets with a dry cloth, otherwise stains will appear on the surface.

Suede is cleaned with a special sponge, this material requires careful handling. Textile bags can be washed in hot water, for this you need to use a special detergent for wool, silk and synthetics. A frameless accessory cannot be squeezed out; The fabric should dry itself gradually. After washing, place the product on a soft surface.

Leather bags for women can be processed only with special products for real skin, it is not advisable to use regular shoe polish. It is better to use glycerin: it will restore the softness of the product and a pleasant texture. It is necessary to process not only the main surface, but also the handles and leather details of the decor. Shapeless bags must be filled with newspapers or cloth before storage, then they will not lose their appearance.

The result of handling accessories will justify all efforts. They will always look stylish and elegant, each bag will last a long time and become a harmonious part of your image. Proper placement and storage extend the life of the accessories and save money.